MothFree® (formerly MothAway™) — since 1987
Today is
All Natural Odorless
Herbal Moth Repellent...since 1987
Reenergize for indefinite use!

New! Improved Formula
Not 10, not 13 but —
Now 14 Herbs
20 grams in each bag (nearly a full ounce!)
MothFree® is an all natural blend of organic herbs and pure essential oils to drive away moths and carpet beetles.
Up until now, the only sure-fire way to drive away moths has been naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene based — how smelly and carcinogenic can you get!
MothFree® will solve moth problems before they happen and give you peace of mind naturally, without any of the risks of carcinogenic chemical moth balls.
Hang two or three of these MothFree® bags in your closet, or put one or two in a drawer or in a clothing cabinet and presto! moths will be driven away, and there is no bad odor. The advantage to MothFree® of course is that while the moths and carpet beetles hate the smell and run away humans love the fresh all-natural scent! MothFree® imparts a light, regal, herbal scent to your fine clothing quite unlike the horrible toxic residue of chemical moth balls. Among the fourteen herbal ingredients and seven 100% pure essential oils is pure rosemary extract. This is the best in moth prevention and moth control. Yes, we got a little carried away but we decided to include every possible herbal substance known to repel moths.
Best of all, MothFree® may be reenergized, for indefinite use!
Read More about MothFree®: About Product
You and your family deserve to be protected from dangerous chemicals, at the same time that you drive away the pesky critters that destroy your fine garments. Get MothFree® — and nothing else — before it's too late.